在小瓶中放入水,不斷壓入空氣,水在某一時刻會砰地一聲從瓶中飛噴而出。水火箭是利用壓縮空氣將水朝地面噴射時所產生的反作用,便可令火箭向上升,水火箭實驗的目的在於學習空氣壓縮性。 |
WR-250 水火箭成品 |
WR-250 Ready-to-play assembly rocket |
產品說明: |
採用420cc寶特瓶箭身,尾翼使用安全泡棉片,採用泡棉安全彈頭,整體更流線 |
Special offering of 420cc cute bottle-shape body,With EVA wing
tip, PU foam nose part, color sticker, Safety material; Unique
shape |
WR-450 水火箭發射架 |
WR-450 Water Rocket Launching Pad
產品說明: |
1. 構造簡單實用,專利產品,防水防鏽耐用
2. 尺寸:30 x 17 x 23公分(長x寬x高)
3. 材質:塑膠,合金 |
Simple construction, easy assembly, water-proof and
rust-proof. |
WR-550 噴水火箭DIY 精品盒 |
WR-550 Splash blast water rocket DIY
set |
產品說明: |
1. 整組包括發射架,水火箭箭身材料(不含打氣筒)
2. 尺寸:30 x 20 x 9 cm(長x寬x高)
3. 材質:合金,塑膠 |
Complete set comes with launching mount and body, must play
with 1250cc bottle and pump. |
WR-600 小型水火箭DIY材料盒 |
WR-600 Small water
rocket DIY
set |
產品說明: |
2. 尺寸:箭身長25公分
3. 材質:塑膠,泡綿 |
Special offering of 600cc bottle-shape body, With EVA wing
tip, PU foam nose part, color sticker,Safety material; Unique
shape; Length of Body--25cm,Must play with Launching Mount &
Pump |
水火箭DIY材料盒 |
WR-850 Entire model water rocket group |
1. 含發射架及打氣筒氣,瓶容量,造形美觀
2. 尾翼採安全EVA材質,附彩色貼紙
3. 尺寸:箭身長50公分
4. 材質:塑膠,泡綿 |
Complete set comes with: Assembly launching mount. assembly
body, pedal pump and colorful sticker. The launching mount is
water-proof and rust proof, with international patent. |
The choice of the professional. Fill the rocket with water,
charge using the air pump provided and squeeze the hand-grip
lever to send it shooting up to 400 feet in any direction.
Spectacular water vapour trail on launch. |
WR-200 水火箭教學材料組 |
WR-200 Material set of
educational water rocket |
產品說明: |
1. 適用較低年級或幼教兒童教學或團體交康教學活動使用
2. 製作最簡單,附保特瓶
3. 尺寸:箭身長50公分
4. 材質:泡棉,塑膠 |
Specialty for kindergarten kids or for
primary school students or fro educational activities. Easy
assembly. must play with launching mount and pump. |
WI105 噴嘴 |
WI107 發射器 |
產品說明: |
1. PU發泡彈頭
2. 噴嘴1個
3. 透明尾翼膠片2片
4. 有完整的製作說明圖及尾翼模版 |